28175 Haggerty Rd. Novi, MI 48377


A popular way to make money on eBay is to sell digital items, such as Ebooks, screen savers, software applications and templates. Digital products don’t need to be shipped via the Postal Service. They also don’t require you to purchase postage supplies such as a scale, envelopes, shipping labels or packing materials. With Ebooks, you can take one Ebook and sell it hundreds or thousands of times, turning it into extra passive income for you.

You could sell anything that can be added to a zip file for digital delivery. The best part of selling digital items is the amount of time you will save. The payments are automatic through Paypal, and you will set up your listing to automatically send the digital delivery information as soon as Paypal receives the payment. Once the auction is set up, there is no more work required by you. You will be making money when you are not by your computer! You are about to set up an amazing passive stream of income!

To start selling digital delivery items, you must have a website or some place that will host your Ebook file. Most people use a file transfer program to upload their files. Once you have uploaded your files, it’s essential to test the link to make sure it works.

For a small price, a service like GoDaddy.com will allow you to choose a domain name and host your website. Your ebook can simply be a web page with information on it but uploading the Ebook information in the form of a PDF (i.e. Adobe) document is the best way to go. This way, your information cannot be changed, copied or pasted when your Ebook is viewed.

EBay Digital Delivery – First Step

The first step is to have your Ebook files uploaded to your website. Most people use a File Transfer Program (FTP) to do this. GoDaddy.com site has an FTP program included in their hosting program. However, you are able to use any method you choose.

eBay Digital Delivery – Second Step

Log onto eBay and press the SELL button. Pick the auction style you would like to use.

eBay Digital Delivery – Third Step

The best category to use when you are selling ebooks is Everything Else – Information Products – Other. Choose these options and press continue.

eBay Digital Delivery – Fourth Step

To allow you to choose the option of digital delivery, click on the “Add or remove options” link under the yellow bar titled “Help buyers find your item with a great title”.

Check off the box to list a digital item that will be delivered electronically and press save.

eBay Digital Delivery – Fifth Step

Now you will have the option to list your product as a digital item.

Click on the blue link title “List as a digital item”.

If you have resell rights or if you are the rightful owner/creator of the Ebook then you have to check the box under the Legal Agreement.

Check the box to agree with the legal terms and press the blue “Agree” box.

This is where you will submit the delivery information for your digital product. If your file is delivered in a PDF format, you can state in the Delivery Instructions that the buyer must have Adobe in order to download the Ebook. You can also state this fact in the item description.

eBay Digital Delivery – Sixth Step

Since you chose to use digital delivery, eBay requires the item to be set up to receive immediate payment through Paypal. Paypal will be the only method of payment that is allowed for digital delivery.

You will have to enter the web address of the digital item in the space provided. You can type in any message you want under “Delivery Instructions”, such as “Item will be delivered in PDF format. Thank you for your purchase”.

Below is what the payment method section will look like. You must check off “Immediate payment required” and put in your Paypal address.

You’ve completed the digital delivery setup for selling ebooks on eBay. Once you have completed this once, it’s simple to set up many more items. Good Luck!