Social networking is a fast trend that fortune 500 companies are taking advantage of fast. So many different technological advances such as the Internet as cell phone have changed the way that media giants advertise. While land line telephone may not exist in every American home its common to see all family members with a cell phone and an email address. As consumers we spend countless hours surfing the worldwide web. It sure would be nice to cash in big on those page views and clicks. My space and Face book are doing just that, but here is you opportunity to join in on the revenue share. Kandzoo.com shares their earning with consumers and also directs their members to promotional opportunities in the community. Kandzoo.com helps its members understand the new ways to making money on-line. For example they have posted links to obopay, and RME on their home page. Members could make just $1,000 alone of a few referral in minutes. RME the company that mirrors pay pal with out the fees is giving away $25.00 and $10.00 for each referral for just trying out the service.
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Kandzoo.com is a free network pays members to socialize, network, and complete onsite promotions. Kandzoo is also a unique social network that has integrated its promotional clients into the social networking arena. The members of Kandzoo are defined as brand ambassadors for the network. The Brand Ambassadors will have to options to execute promotions, product research, and demonstrations in the community. So our research department has worked diligently to create a new program for you to complete demos and surveys via web. Kandzoo.com is also offering a 5.00 referral bonus at the moment for a limited time. They actually place you with very high paying campaigns. Kandzoo also has a relationship with
Brand Ambassadors will post a profile in the social marketing network KANDZOO. This project can be worked from home. For example brand ambassadors will create product reviews and video reviews form the comfort of their home. We will also have some on-site events to take place in various markets. The research department will communicate with you and post your assignments. We will bring brand ambassadors new assignments weekly.