Malware can be quite a nuisance, lurking around where you’re never sure if it will find you or not. But it’s a part of the ever day life when it comes to online marketing. If you happen to be a location that malware lands it will easily be known thanks to that flagging that Google will place up next to the search results. With that it will often be something that many people will avoid and pass by your website, leaving you with fewer sales. So how can you get rid of this problem?
First off you need to realize what malware is, it’s a malicious code. Often the code will be created through Java and inserted via a flash file. Often you will find the code placed in between the head and body tags of your HTML code. As the security sweep is done by Google is will notice that code and thus place you as a flagged site.
Immediately when you notice this problem popping up you need to act very quickly. That will help to clear up your site and help with the reputation of your company as well. So getting on and using those Google Webmaster tools often is something that will help out. You should see a rather large notice in red that will state your site has possibly been hacked by malware.
Start looking for that code in your files immediately. It may take quite a bit of time and possibly some serious help from others to assist you in find the code. You will need to be very careful though because you do run a chance of your computer becoming infected as your search out this malware.
After you’ve gotten that code removed you need to ask Google for a recheck of your website. Doing this quickly and before they would normally do the recheck will look good on your company too. You may need to think of other steps that will need to be taken to help with rankings that may have been hurt due to the malware attack.
Of course you should also look at your security a bit better as well. Though it is hard to realize where the attack may have come from you can stop it from happening again hopefully.