28175 Haggerty Rd. Novi, MI 48377
Internet Business Social Networking Marketing


MLM is notorious for rapid expansion. It is one of the original viral methods of spreading an idea and a product. However, the creation of social networks has taken the limelight.
There is nothing that has grown as fast or as large as myspace.

With that comes a gigantic pool of new and untapped marketing potential for your online MLM opportunity. While this is new, there are logical ways in building your social networking presence. The major thing to understand is that by signing up for every social network out there, you are signing yourself up for failure.

Only get involved with one to three social networks.

And get into those ones heavily.

The Path of Social Omnipresence

So if signing up for every social network you see is a route to failure in your MLM, why is it that people can appear as if they are everywhere? It all comes down to value.

By adding value to your MLM social network page, with good blogs and building good relationships, you will create a following. These followers are going to be the lifeblood of spreading yourself to the other social networks.

The Evangelist Calling

As you add value to your MLM social networking page, you will find among your followers people called evangelists. Evangelists are the people who will be a very loyal follower of your work, and will also shout it out to all their circles of influence.

When they do this you will create larger exposure for your work in other networks, rather than having to join those networks and build relationships on each one. The larger exposure opens up a gateway of viral marketing. It is a very simple process of gaining massive exposure and achieving social omnipotence.

When you gain exposure from your evangelists it will open your articles to new people which will create new followers. Somewhere in this new group of followers there will be evangelists among them. These evangelists if they enjoy your material will also spread it to their networks.

It is rather easy to see the magnitude this sort of marketing can truly aspire to as time happens.

Utilizing Web 2.0 correctly, will give you the power of omnipresence.

Logic of the Social Viral

The engineering behind spreading yourself on social networks is just as simple as the power of exposure. Your evangelists will be spreading you mainly in two different ways.

  1. Bookmarking sites: Sites such as Del.ic.ous and StumbleUpon allow your evangelists to vote on your site. When they vote on your articles you will gain a broader reputation. This will allow new people to come and view your site and become evangelists who vote on your site, repeating the same process.
  2. Guest-Posting and Guest-Blogs: Encourage your evangelists in your articles to re-post your work. Unless of course there is copyright laws protecting your work, have your evangelists share your material on their own blogs or social network pages! This will add new exposure. It can be incredibly useful also if you have an evangelist with more credibility than you introducing your article to their circle of influence.

Using this information correctly will create an amazing amount of new traffic towards whatever goal you are seeking to accomplish in your MLM. Of course being a prolific writer will help extremely and I cannot stress more the importance of good writing skills when you go about creating your content.

Got to keep it interesting if you want to become viral!

Add value, get evangelists, earn viral.