- Magazines. Use your press release to get exposure for your business. Simply supply a cover letter explaining your business, the description what your business provides and services. Remember your press release is suppose to be in fourth person, explaining your business as the newest and most exciting new thing that has come out. Check out magazine websites to get their fax numbers and receptionist contact information. Be sure the magazines you contact are within the subject of what your business is about. For example, if you have a construction business, don’t use seventeen magazine as a resource.
- Networking events. Get out there and let everyone know about your business! Check in your local city or county’s website to see what events are happening. Check your local public library and recreation centers as well. Take your business cards and brochures and hand them out to prospects explaining briefly about your business and what it can do for others.
- Consignment/boutiques. If you have a business that’s with the apparel and accessory business, look into selling your merchandise on consignment, This method is possible by going to local boutiques and consignment shops in your area. Every one’ss consignment shop and boutique has different percentages for buyers/sellers like 60/40 with the 60% going to the seller or designer.
- Websites offering free exposure. Check out websites that offer exposure and marketplaces that are inexpensive. For example, if you design accessories, check out Bonanza or eBay. These sites charge a slight inexpensive fee like 3% or $.25. If you are a musician, check out sites that let you download your music for free. If you are a freelance reporter looking for hire, write for online magazines or research companies like examiner.com that will help you get a start and make money at the same time.
- Commercials. Many believe commercials are expensive for only a few seconds weekly. Well, not really. Check in your local area for advertisement commercial rates. For example, in Virginia on Channel 33 (or Channel 2 for those with cable) you can advertise your business monthly for $500 and your show timings are between 12pm-2pm when working people are on their lunch break and 4pm-6pm when most entrepreneurs that are self-employed are finishing up their work day. When looking for commercial rates, be sure you have more than forty-five seconds and how often it’ll be playing. You want your prospects to hear every word you say and understand the first time around versus having to wait until the commercial shows again. Be sure to add what you have to offer and your mission statement, if possible.