28175 Haggerty Rd. Novi, MI 48377
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It’s true that many funeral homes and cemeteries offer a standard option of care for the loved ones that reside there. However many people are opting for more personalized service. With more loved ones living out of state or otherwise unable to attend to their loved ones’ memorials on a regular basis, the need for this service has grown. With little overhead required this service might be right for you. Here’s how to start a Memorial Care Business in your town.
Defining Care

You may be wondering what does a Memorial Care Business actually do? As the owner of a Memorial Care service you would need to provide these basic services to your clients.

  • Provide professional cleaning of the grave or memorial
  • Keep a regular maintenance schedule of the site
  • Bring seasonal floral arrangements
  • Do any planting that is required, including borders and annuals
  • Make sure that the loved one is being treated with respect and dignity by the cemetery
  • Report to the client any problems at the site
  • Spend some quiet, respectful time at the site

Who Would Benefit?

Out of town relatives, inbound relatives or busy people would benefit from a Memorial Care Business. There is even a portion of the public who are afraid of going to cemeteries. These would be candidates that would use this service.

Handle With Care

Because of the sensitive nature of this type of business, you will need to handle your clients with care. Report any problems at the site immediately and be professional when dealing with Memorials or Cemetery officials.

What You’ll Need

  • A business license
  • Gardening tools
  • Arrangements for the sites
  • Business cards

How to Build Your Client Basis

Obviously the obituaries are a way to start. A week or two after the funeral you could send a respectful letter offering your condolences. Also simply explaining your service and include a business card. Do not include prices or rates in your letter. This may be offensive to the mourners. If they contact you, then you can share more information. Also building a website and placing that information on your business card is smart. Build relationships with local funeral homes and ask to leave your cards in the visiting area. Advertise on Craigs List in other cities. This will help build your out of town client base.

Starting your own Memorial Care Business is not difficult. It’s a business that would provide a genuinely needed service that will be a benefit to many people.